Lavender And Natural Beauty Products

9A lot of the natural beauty products being sold today are made with lavender essential oil. As a matter of fact, lavender is the number one ingredient in the majority of natural skin products as well as natural cosmetics. It’s not hard to miss natural products with lavender oil in them; the scent is hard to miss. That might lend many people to think that lavender is added for its aromatic value but that’s not the only reason that lavender is incorporated into a lot natural beauty products.

Lavender is flower that has many benefits and these benefits have been known since early man walked the earth. Lavender concoctions have been discovered in Egyptian tombs. If you search the Bible, you can find lavender in there as well; although then it used to go by the name nard. Roman soldiers took baths in it to take advantage of the antiseptic qualities of lavender. When people think of ancient times with its less than desirable sewage systems, they don’t usually imagine it being a sweet-smelling place but with all that lavender around it just may have been.

Soon, lavender found its way to the United Kingdom; having been brought there by invading Roman soldiers. The plant really took off in the UK and lavender gardens became pretty commonplace. Even today, the UK is the premier destination for the best lavender. You can buy Raw Buckwheat Honey here.

They use the lavender in the recipes for natural skin products, natural soap and all sorts of natural beauty products. Lavender is very popular in natural products because there are very few people who are allergic to it. But being hypo allergic is only the beginning of the good things that lavender has to offer.

Lavender can be used to ease inflammation and kill bacteria. It’s good for inflamed skin and joints. It can fix digestive problems and headaches. And the aromatic scent has been known to lull people to sleep making it an excellent and safe remedy for insomnia. The scent has also been shown to elevate people’s mood; so if you are feeling a little down and need a pick-me-up, reach for the lavender.

With so many beneficial qualities, it’s easy to see why lavender is included in so many natural beauty products. Lavender isn’t the only plant used in natural products; there are many. Many people have decide to go natural with their beauty products and I, for one, don’t blame them. The chemicals being put into most of the products that are on shelves today are harmful. And people are no longer willing to sacrifice their health for their looks. Now with some many natural health products you can look just as good on the inside and as you do on the outside. Find affordable natural beauty products only at
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